Life is a journey that begins when we are born and ends when we die. Our intent is to have a happy and fulfilling life that we enjoy and can cope with. However, all along the way we come across obstacles and face many stages and changes that are challenging; birth, death, schooling, graduation, marriage, divorce, kids leaving home, new jobs, losing old jobs: to name just a few. These challenges and stages are endless in our lifetime and can sometimes create fear, uncertainty, and anxiety. However, we have to make our way through these stages and implement the changes that are necessary to move our life back into balance again.

These stages or changes in our lives are also called “transitions”. When these transitional stages are abrupt or prolonged, it can feel overwhelming. We can easily become lost and confused. We can fear what the future holds and worry that we won’t get back on our feet again. During such times we are especially susceptible to depression, overwhelming anxiety and often behave in self-destructive ways such as over-eating, over-drinking, self-blaming, avoiding, blaming others etc. Self-destructive patterns during transitional times can significantly change our mental and physical health and ultimately the quality of our life’s journey. So we need to know when it is time to reach out for help.
When you are experiencing a high level of emotion, reactivity and mood disturbance this can be an indicator that you need help to understand and move through such a tough transitional time in your life. It takes a great deal of courage to face that you may not be handling yourself in the way you want or are familiar with. You might feel like the situation is getting the best of you or notice that you are taking your anxiety and disturbance out on others you care about.
If you can relate to some of these modes of reacting to the transitions in your life, then perhaps it is time to seek help from a counselor. They are there just for you. They will help you through the hard times so you can feel more whole and ready to handle the next challenge... the next transition in your life.
Getting back on track after a difficult time is never simple. It takes a measure of self-knowledge and self-understanding to recognize when you need someone else to help you through. Think of therapy as a special relationship with another person that has your best interest at heart; a person who will help you turn a difficult time in your life into a significant opportunity to learn, grow and change.
If I were to become your therapist, this is what you can expect. I would focus on moving you through the difficult transitional times you are experiencing. I would assist you in discovering what hasn’t worked for you so far and help you to recognize and utilize your own unique strengths and talents for effectively getting through whatever type of transition you were experiencing.
When you call me to set up your first appointment, I will ask you to fill out some paperwork that I will send you from my practice website at Simple Practice. Please complete the forms before our first Telehealth session. We will take a few minutes to review the forms to make sure that you are clear about what each one means. I will then discuss the policy regarding confidentiality and review your choice to use insurance or not. I will answer any questions you might have about me and discuss what to expect from our sessions together. When this is done we will begin to explore what has brought you in to see me. As we go along we will start formulating some goals to assist you. At the conclusion of our first session, we should both feel like we can work together and continue a plan of action.
Over the course of the next few sessions, you should feel like you are making progress in solving your issues. You have taken a huge step in asking for help and that will be deeply respected. The goal is for you to learn all the skills and self-awareness necessary to help you take good care of yourself and guide you through solving any current and future difficulties.